Baru beberapa hari lalu kita mendengar berita Noah Wyle membintangi FALLING SKY, kita sudah di geber lagi dengan bakal hadirnya besutan menjanjikan lainnya Stephen Spielberg yang bakal menyerbu pecinta serial fiksi ilmiah.
Di bintangi Jason O’Mara sebagai Jim Shannon yang mencoba melindungui keluarganya yang nyasar lewat mesin waktu ke era paradisiakal, era di mana bumi masih dihuni dinosaurus. Premis semacam ini kayaknya bukan barang baru lagi, bejibun film dan serial teve sudah membuat kita jenuh. Eits, yang ini jangan diremehkan karena nama besar Spielberg ada di sini.
Tentu saja jangan samakan dengan film gak penting berjudul Land of the Lost ya.

Inilah sinopsis resmi yang dirilis oleh Spoiler TV.com
Official Synopsis: The series centers on the Shannon family as they join the tenth pilgrimage of settlers to TERRA NOVA, the first colony of humans in this second chance for civilization. JIM SHANNON (O’Mara), a devoted father with a checkered past, guides his family – wife ELISABETH and children JOSH and MADDY – through this new land of limitless beauty, mystery and terror. In addition to blue skies, rolling rivers and lush vegetation, TERRA NOVA offers new opportunities and fresh beginnings to its recent arrivals, but the Shannons have brought with them a famial secret that may threaten their citizenship in this utopia. These adventurers soon discover that this healthy, vibrant world is not as idyllic as it initially appears. The areas surrounding TERRA NOVA are filled with dangerous dinosaurs and other prehistoric threats, as well as external forces that may be intent on destroying this new world before it begins.
Jika tak ada halangan, serial ini akan rilis mulai bulan Mei. Waduh, masih lama yak??
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