Sebelumnya kita mendengar kabar kalo mini seri historikal ini terkatung-katung lantaran setelah selesai diproduksi, History Channel tak berkenan menayangkannya. Baca posting di link di bawah ini.
Dianggap Terlalu Didramatisir, THE KENNEDYS Gagal Tayang....!!
Dan sekarang datang kabar bagus yang di lansir dari collider.com jika serial pendek ini telah tayang perdana di sebuah stasiun teve berbayar bernama ReelzChannel. Ini beritanya:
The Kennedys has landed a premiere at ReelzChannel, a cable channel mostly dedicated to talking about and going behind the scenes of various movies.This will be the channel’s first foray into scripted programming.
Apparently the channel makes it into 60 million homes across the country through various cable providers, so plenty of people will still get a chance to see the miniseries. The first two episodes will air on April 3rd and air the rest of the episodes on successive nights that same week.
Since the deal at ReelzChannel includes the world premiere broadcast, the series will not be hitting Canada in March as was originally planned, but should still air up North sometime later.
Bagus deh, dengan begitu kita bakal bisa menyaksikan sesegera mungkin ya...
The Kennedys has landed a premiere at ReelzChannel, a cable channel mostly dedicated to talking about and going behind the scenes of various movies.This will be the channel’s first foray into scripted programming.
Apparently the channel makes it into 60 million homes across the country through various cable providers, so plenty of people will still get a chance to see the miniseries. The first two episodes will air on April 3rd and air the rest of the episodes on successive nights that same week.
Since the deal at ReelzChannel includes the world premiere broadcast, the series will not be hitting Canada in March as was originally planned, but should still air up North sometime later.
Bagus deh, dengan begitu kita bakal bisa menyaksikan sesegera mungkin ya...
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