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This movie-made for television tells about how Temple Grandin deals with her autism, parents, teachers and people around her. There are some moments that make people laugh, cry, and thank God for blessing us in many ways.
Temple, and her mom, had a hard time dealing with social life. Temple's mom even felt frustrated and blamed herself to find out that her daughter was diagnosed as an autistic child. She didn't give up. She then found out that Temple has a gift, a genius mind. The teacher who always believed in her said that Temple visualized everything.
You will laugh and at the same time be touched seeing how Temple defended her invention "Squeeze Machine" at college. Then you will feel the same again when seeing how hard and focused she was to write her thesis about cattle in graduate school while she is already a Master of Science. More than half of the film then shows how Temple revolutionized the way people slaughtered cows. She got the idea when she heard and saw the way cows run and moo differently when they are being herded to be slaughtered, that people thought ridiculous so they called her dr. Doolittle.
See? Things that people sometimes see as ridiculous can be the beginning of a big change.
I believe if this film were released in theaters, there would have been a chance to get oscars, but knowing this film get Emmys, well I'm glad enough. Temple Grandin won 5 Emmy's. It won Best Supporting Actor for a Miniseries/Made for TV movie, Best Supporting Actress M/M, Best Directing in an M/M, Best Actress M/M, and Best Made for TV movie for Emmy Awards 2010
This film is an amazing movie about an amazing person. Everything about this movie is done right. The actors are all great, the direction is great, the writing is great, everything is perfect.

Claire Danes played perfectly Temple Grandin. She moves, and acts just like a real autistic person does. In some certain ways, she reminded me Tom Hanks in Forest Gump. I think that she is simply amazing. She made me forget that she was once a Juliet more than a decade ago.
It is worth watching. Really. And I was really touched by how this film portrayed Temple's mother. Mothers are always amazing and I thank God for having my incredible mom.
I love you, Mom

Temple, and her mom, had a hard time dealing with social life. Temple's mom even felt frustrated and blamed herself to find out that her daughter was diagnosed as an autistic child. She didn't give up. She then found out that Temple has a gift, a genius mind. The teacher who always believed in her said that Temple visualized everything.
You will laugh and at the same time be touched seeing how Temple defended her invention "Squeeze Machine" at college. Then you will feel the same again when seeing how hard and focused she was to write her thesis about cattle in graduate school while she is already a Master of Science. More than half of the film then shows how Temple revolutionized the way people slaughtered cows. She got the idea when she heard and saw the way cows run and moo differently when they are being herded to be slaughtered, that people thought ridiculous so they called her dr. Doolittle.
See? Things that people sometimes see as ridiculous can be the beginning of a big change.
I believe if this film were released in theaters, there would have been a chance to get oscars, but knowing this film get Emmys, well I'm glad enough. Temple Grandin won 5 Emmy's. It won Best Supporting Actor for a Miniseries/Made for TV movie, Best Supporting Actress M/M, Best Directing in an M/M, Best Actress M/M, and Best Made for TV movie for Emmy Awards 2010
This film is an amazing movie about an amazing person. Everything about this movie is done right. The actors are all great, the direction is great, the writing is great, everything is perfect.

Claire Danes played perfectly Temple Grandin. She moves, and acts just like a real autistic person does. In some certain ways, she reminded me Tom Hanks in Forest Gump. I think that she is simply amazing. She made me forget that she was once a Juliet more than a decade ago.
It is worth watching. Really. And I was really touched by how this film portrayed Temple's mother. Mothers are always amazing and I thank God for having my incredible mom.
I love you, Mom

dari moo aja timple bisa dapet doktor, film biopik yg bs buat motivasi orang2 didunia, kl kekurangan sebenarnya merupakan kelebihan, great film
ReplyDeleteYup, bener, film ini maupun Temple Grandin benar2 menginspirasi kita2 yg normal yg seharusnya byk berprestasi...thanx
ReplyDeletehmmmm........saya sudah baca beberapa resensi film temple grandin...tapi belum pernah nonton filmya. boleh saya tau bisa dapet DVD nya dimana ya mas??saya ibu dua anak, dimana anak saya yang pertama Autis....many thanks ya informasinya...
ReplyDeleteShinta - Jakarta
@Bu Shinta: Temple Grandin bukan film layar lebar, tapi film televisi,mungkin masih bisa dicari di gerai2 dvd bajakan atau di download aja bu. Semoga bisa ditemukan dan ditonton untuk memberi pencerahan, kalau ada info nanti sya email ke bu shinta.