I gotta say that first and second season are the best seasons of ALIAS, the rest are just silly in certain ways. I read some reviews on the net, some said that J.J.Abrams had turned this series into soap opera and I must agree with that.
I personally think that this series should have ended in the fourth season when everyone had their happy endings.The idea that Vaughn is not Vaughn is just silly then knowing Vaughn died (and then did not) seemed so illogical (well the whole story actually is).
Remember Ana Espinosa? well this bitch changed her body into Sydney in the episode "There is only one of Sydney Bristow". Isn't it silly? I mean Ana is black and then by using certain chemical fluid she became Caucasian? Isn't Ana a little curvy while Sydney is slim?
Then the idea of Arvin Sloan changing from bad guy to good guy and then bad guy again is just ridiculous. New characters like Tom Grace, Rene something, Rachel blah..blah and that Peyton...are so forgettable. Well Balthazar Getty is good actor but the shallow character the creator gave to him made him like a clown. So when the character he played died, we didn't feel anything.
Then along came Irina Derevko. Sydney's mother is sure a bitch but the good impression she gave in the fourth season is already great, but then in the final one she becomes the biggest villain, well I just hated it.
Arvin Sloan became eternal? well what was that?
Jack Bristow died. I love this character and hate to see him ended that way.
The good thing is Sydney and Vaughn lived happily ever after with two kids.
Well, aside from what I have said, I gotta thank Abrams for making this series for 5 years. Thank you for the memory.
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