The trend on TV show has been changing as time goes by, which is good. But TV stations in Indonesia do not change much in the way they 'spoil' the viewers. From the oldest, RCTI and the youngest TV One (really?), the concept of many shows they have is still predictable. Once in a while some of them make a breakthrough with a very popular show, but the other will predictably will follow. Beside Metro TV and TV One, it is hard to mention the big differences from one TV station to another. Perhaps, more than 70 % of the programs they have are similar.
Well, prime time is still invaded by soaps (Thanks to RCTI and SCTV, sarcastically speaking). If I can call 9.00 PM till 11.PM the second prime time, so I'm gonna say that it was still invaded by comedy (sketch or silly talk show, thanks to Tukul and Sule), and Hollywood films.
Quizzes will sporadically come and go. Infotainment fill the thirst of women at 4 PM and early in the morning (at 6.30 or 8.AM) or before the news at 10 or 11 AM, the news at midday and 5 or 6 PM. See? So predictable. Do the TV stations have a so-called agreement on this?
It is not hard to notice that music program invade 8-10 AM. As far as I know, Dahsyat, Dering, Inbox and some others have been regulars shows since two years ago.
Perhaps some of you still remember that a couple years ago Indonesian-dubbed Bollywood films filled the same slot as the music show have now? Don't you miss Aamir Khan, Hritrik Roshan, Kajol, Shahruk Khan, Kareena Kapoor who used to regularly visit us in the morning?
And long before, Telenovelas (Mexican soaps) did the same as well. Do you remember Maria Mercedes, Alicia, Marisol, Rosalinda?
These five years, some comedians have reached their highest popularity as music program hosts, especially morning show. Dubbed as the highest paid comedians, they invaded music programs. It is interesting to ask: Do the music shows really need comedians as the hosts?
Well I gave the title of this post "Do we really need music in the morning?" to indicate that TV stations now think that TV viewers are not as engaging as they were. Watching music programs are easy, I mean you can do other things while watching (or listening) your favorite band singing and the 'funny' host blabbing, right? Compare when older people experience a few years back when watching Bollywood films or telenovelas. They had to sit and focus on the story.
TV stations always think that morning shows viewer are not as intellectual as those who watch prime time show by giving them not-so serious programs. They have been treating Bollywood films differently as to Hollywood ones. I mean, no matter how great it is, Bollywood won't get prime time. Yes, morning show viewers are mostly maids, housewives, students and jobless, so telenovelas, Bollywood films and fun quizzes (hey we have serious quizzes too..!) are provided for them. No need to be genius to enjoy them.
Now they treat music in the same level as Bollywood films and telenovelas. Music program, as I recalled, once hit prime time with great and glamorous packaging like Gebyar BCA, The Divas, Due Maut, Satu Jam Bersama..., Rising Star and many others. While music programs that only featured music videos (not MTV, please) like Delta, Video Music Indonesia, Barometer, Hits, and a few others filled the afternoon slot.
I probably over analyzed when I said that TV programs now think that music has lost its charm by only assuming that morning show is as not prestigious as afternoon or prime time show. But please don't blame me for frankly saying that Indonesian music is now too generic. Great bands are not reluctant to perform in the morning (let's not compare with MTV Total Request Live). Letting some comedians host the music show seems to depreciate the singers. Imagine when Olga Syahputra said "Please welcome...." while joking around, then envision Ferdi Hasan in glamorous suit screams out "Let's welcome....". Well, I personally prefer the second one.
Do you need some music in the morning? of course yes. But please not everyday. Four or Five TV stations have the relatively the same programs with three hosts in one show. Yup, they still love similarity. There will be a time when the trend will shift again just because one TV station have different TV show, then the other will follow.
For now on, enjoy your morning music with those funny hosts.