Smallville akan segera tamat bulan Mei tahun ini, dan Heroes sudah lama 'terkubur'. Sementara dikabarkan proyek Wonder Woman-nya David E. Kelley dimentahkan banyak network. Dengan begitu serial superhero bakal mengalami kekosongan. Jangan kuatir, The Cape (mungkin) akan mencuri perhatian. Serial yang di bintangi David Lyons ini mengadaptasi teknik penceritaan dan sinematografi ala komik.
Ini sinopsis dan review dari Ethan Anderton yang dikutip dari collider.com:
Vince Faraday (David Lyons) is seemingly one of the only good cops in a police force of corrupt lawmen. Even at home he reads the heroic tales of The Cape, his son’s favorite superhero, for some quality father-son storytime. But the looming danger of a masked serial killer known as Chess creates fear in the city, and the police force is falling as many officers are moving to ARK, a private law enforcement company. Meanwhile, an online prowler is hip to ARK’s secret corruption and goal of a takeover of Palm City (it’s Los Angeles’ version of Gotham City) Of course, when Chess makes good on a threat to kill the new police chief, Faraday is left thinking that ARK is the best choice to become a real cop on a law enforcement team that seems to be doing real good. Once Faraday meets ARK president and CEO Peter Fleming (James Frain) it’s easy to link his dulcet British tones to the city’s infamous villain.
But before Faraday can even begin working for ARK, his misplaced trust puts him right in the clutches of Chess, who reveals himself to Faraday before framing him as the villain. It’s this scene that brings a level of camp and silliness that seems fine in the comic book world, but like Joel Schumacher’s installments of Batman, feels very artificial and almost laughable. Frain adds some weight to one-liners and monologues from Chess, but the script needs some polishing to sound less like a Saturday morning cartoon face-off between hero and villain. This becomes even more evident when Scales (Vinnie Jones) shows up as a secondary villain. Fortunately, there aren’t too many of these cheesy exchanges and some of this camp is reduced by some great production design, visual style and direction.
The story really picks up when Faraday, presumed dead after a chase by police officers leads to an explosion in a train yard, is forced to go into hiding and his son is left hurt and confused by the accusation of his father as a villain. Like a superhero, Faraday’s “adopted family” comes in the unlikely form of a band of circus performers who also rob banks. There’s undoubtedly an influence of Tim Burton’s Batman, but it’s far less prominent than the campy dialogue and poorly written humor. However, the coolness factor kicks in when Max Malini (Keith David) decides to help Faraday stop Chess in exchange for his help in robbing all of ARK’s money supply at various banks. After getting plenty of cash, Malini begins teaching Faraday the art of distraction, deception, and theatrical vanishing. And then there’s The Cape, an accessory that is both flexible and strong and inexplicably allows for long range combat akin to Mr. Fantastic’s stretchy limbs.
Walau The Cape tidak begitu familiar dan belum mengena di hati begitu ditayangkan, namun tidak menutup kemungkinan serial ini bakal menjadi tontotan bergenre superhero yang ditunggu.
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