Though The CW hasn’t announced that struggling drama is officially over, the studio has subtly confirmed the cancellation.
The TV show was renewed for a second season last spring despite middling ratings. Season one averaged a 1.6 rating in the target 18-34 female demographic and two million viewers. The network no doubt hoped that it would catch on in season two but that hasn’t happened.
Viewership for Life Unexpected has dropped dramatically this season and the show’s been averaging a 1.2 rating with 1.5 million total viewers. It’s easily the lowest-rated show on the network and the only series that didn’t receive a pickup for the back nine episodes. The final installments of the season will air in January.
Warner Bros. has now announced that Life Unexpected: The Complete Series will be released on April 5, 2011. It will contain all of the episodes from seasons one and two as well as a pair of featurettes, deleted scenes, and a gag reel. The set will retail for $59.98.
Word is that writers have had enough notice to at least wrap up most of the show’s ongoing storylines. We’ll have to wait and see to find out if they satisfy viewers.
Life Unexpected sendiri bercerita tentang seorang remaja putri bernama Lux yang tinggal di panti asuhan yang ingin mencari orang tua biologisnya. Kemudian diketahui kalau orang tuanya masih sangat belia karena hamil ketika masih remaja. Cerita pun bergulir ketika Lux menemukan dan masuk ke kehidupan orang tua biologisnya yang baru saja memulai hidup mereka.
Alasan utama Ithonx ingin menonton serial ini adalah hadirnya Kerr Smith (Dawson's Creek) dan Shiri Appleby (Roswell) yang belum lewat satu dekade berperan sebagai remaja, kini menjabani peran sebagai ortu belia.
Untungnya, jauh-jauh hari para penulis diberitahu kalau serial ini akan dihentikan, sehingga mereka punya waktu memikirkan dan menuangkan episode terakhir, sehingga tidak menggantung layaknya serial-serial lain.
Semoga dvdnya nyampe senin ini, so bisa ditonton dan di share di sini ya..
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