Amanda Bynes dikenal sebagai artis kocak serba bisa yang mengawali karirnya dari umur 7 tahun dari dunia televisi dan kemudian merambah dunia film dan busana. Berbeda dari tipikal artis-artis belia Hollywood lainnya, Amanda sangat menjauhi pesta dan alkohol, pilihan film dan serialnya pun sangat selektif dan sangat anti buka-bukaan. Terakhir Amanda menyenangkan penggemarnya dengan akting menggemaskan di She's The Man, Sydney White, Hairspray, dan film terakhir yang ia bintangi adalah Easy A (rilis september ini) yang merupakan adaptasi modern lepas Scarlett Letter (tampaknya Amanda suka dengan film2 adaptasi modern seperti Sydney White yang merupakan adaptasi Snow White atau She's The Man yang merupakan versi modern Mid Summer Night Dream). Film terakhirnya ini diramaikan Ema Stone, Pen Badgley, Cam Gigandet, Lisa Kudrow dan lain-lain. Lalu akan kemana si Kenes ini? Ini beritanya...!
Amanda Bynes has decided to retire from acting. Amanda Bynes announced she was retired from acting this weekend, bringing an end to her career at the old age of 24. It might seem like an odd revelation to us, but it seems that Bynes just wasn't having fun doing it anymore. That seems like reason enough to quit a job you don't like, and, with a successful television show in her past now, Bynes has probably made enough money to keep her happy for quite a while now. At just 24 years old, it also gives Bynes plenty of time to change her mind later on down the road, and possibly make a comeback if she starts feeling the itch to act again.
Amanda Bynes has decided to retire from acting. Amanda Bynes announced she was retired from acting this weekend, bringing an end to her career at the old age of 24. It might seem like an odd revelation to us, but it seems that Bynes just wasn't having fun doing it anymore. That seems like reason enough to quit a job you don't like, and, with a successful television show in her past now, Bynes has probably made enough money to keep her happy for quite a while now. At just 24 years old, it also gives Bynes plenty of time to change her mind later on down the road, and possibly make a comeback if she starts feeling the itch to act again.
The announcement from Amanda Bynes came via her Twitter account this weekend, where she left a few brief messages about her future in acting. The following are messages Bynes posted on her account this weekend:
"I've never written the movies & tv shows I've been apart of I've only acted like the characters the producers or directors wanted me to play
Being an actress isn't as fun as it may seem
If I don't love something anymore I stop doing it
I don't love acting anymore so I've stopped doing it
I know 24 is a young age to retire but you heard it here first I've retired"
Bynes didn't leave an update about her retirement on her Twitter site, but there also hasn't been a change of heart up till now, leading most to believe that she has indeed decided to walk away from acting. There will be at least one more chance to see her on the big screen soon, though, as she has a supporting role in a movie called Easy A that is due out on September 17. That film will be about a high school student (Emma Stone), who tries to take advantage of her high school's rumor mill to advance her social and financial standing. From the first trailer, it seems like an updated version of The Scarlett Letter in a high school setting.
SUMEBR: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/5507538/amanda_bynes_retired_from_acting.html?cat=40
Is Amanda Bynes Joining the Circus?
to explain why such a talented and well paid actress quit the business could be found in her past. When Amanda Bynes was just 7 years old she began acting. She had roles in plays, movies, and television shows.Some of the more popular shows Amanda Bynes played in include:
-Sydney White
-The Amanda Show
-All That
She also appeared is several major motion pictures. Her debut on the silver screen was for the movie "Big Fat Liar." Other movies Amanda Bynes played in include:
-She's the Man
-Easy A
Not long after announcing her retirement a National Enquirer report claimed they had spoken with a close friend of Amanda Bynes and that Bynes was deciding to join the circus. The friend supposedly went on to tell the Enquirer that Amanda Bynes loved animals and intended to do a live show in Vegas involving Amanda Bynes and various animals.
A rep for Amanda Bines says there is absolutely no validity to these rumors whatsoever.
This comedian/actress, vocal actress, and fashion designer may be retiring from acting, but there may be possible future limelight careers in her future. Right now it is all speculation. She continues with her fashion designing.

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