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Saturday 16 June 2012

PREVIEW: ARROW >>> Siap-siap, superhero baru bakal menggebrak

Seperti yang sudah di singgung sebelumnya, Green Arrow yang beken di Smallville dibuat sekuel-nya, dan di beri judul ARROW doang. Jangan sedih dulu hanya karena tidak dibintangi Justin Hartley, lantaran trailernya sangat menjanjikan (tapi jangan cepat percaya trailer ya).

Belum banyak yang mudti dikomentari, yang jelas Collider.com memberi bocoron sinopsis (yang generik), yuk cekidot...

Did you catch it? Well, if not, there’s a quick shot of the mask belonging to Deathstroke, a villain (sometimes an anti-hero) who hails from Teen Titans back in the 1980’s. The character actually became so popular after becoming the main adversary for the adolescent heroes that he was given his own series, and is now in the Top 100 favorite comic book characters of all-time. According to the DC Comics Database, Deathstroke is the world’s greatest assassin/mercenary and an enemy of the Teen Titans. Originally a soldier in the U.S. Army, he was part of an experimental super-soldier project where he gained enhanced strength, agility and intelligence.

Hmmm...nampaknya ini bukan spin off nih naga-naga-nya...wajar kalo Justin gak dipertimbangkan buat membintanginya, ya gak?



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